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Diez madres muestran sin complejos su cuerpo postparto para ayudar a otras mujeres a aceptar los cambios del embarazo

May 22, 2023

Compartir Diez madres muestran sin complejos su cuerpo postparto para ayudar a otras mujeres a aceptar los cambios del embarazo

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Acaban de ser madres y no han tenido pudor a la hora de enseñar sus cuerpos postparto sin maquillaje ni retoques fotográficos. Lo han hecho posando junto a sus bebés para la nueva campaña de Mothercare, una empresa británica especializada en productos para mujeres embarazadas y niños pequeños.

Diez mujeres en ropa interior, pocas semanas después de haber dado a luz, empapelan el metro de Londres bajo el lema "Body Proud Mums" (mamás orgullosas de su cuerpo) y una pregunta: "Hermosa, ¿verdad?".

At Mothercare, we believe all mums are beautiful and should feel proud and confident about their bodies #BodyProudMums Eleanor, 14 weeks after giving birthThe inspiration behind being part of this project is to show those around me that stretch marks and weight gain dont define us, that we should embrace our strength and beauty. I am a young mother with many influential people around me, and together we can see the beauty of motherhood. I have always loved my body no matter what, and my friends would look up to me for that. Pre-pregnancy, I had nice curves and my skin was smooth. During pregnancy my body changed dramatically, not just in weight but also my breasts and skin, in the ways that arent considered to be beautiful. Ive seen people on social media bounce back significantly and speedily to their pre-pregnancy weight, so of course I feel the pressure to do so too. I have found it difficult to see my body in the same way, but as the days go by, I am a few steps closer. I didnt expect my body to change as much as it did, but I would most definitely do it all over again.

El objetivo es hacer público lo que se invisibiliza con recuperaciones milagrosas tras el parto de celebrities, modelos e influencers en medios y redes sociales. Mostrando la diversidad de cuerpos y, bajo la creencia de que todas las madres son bellas, la empresa pretende con esta campaña empoderar a las nuevas mamás y ayudarlas a sentirse mejor con ellas mismas.

At Mothercare, we believe all mums are beautiful and should feel proud and confident about their bodies #BodyProudMums Tina, 27 weeks after giving birthI am not a fan of my new body. Before birth I was muscular and worked out a lot. Now I dont have time to work out and everything feels saggier I didnt expect to feel suddenly so old and droopy I know it will come back with time and dedication to exercise again, but right now all I want to do is cover up with baggy clothes. Every day I feel pressure to bounce back. Society, social media, peoples comments all make you feel that way. All over social media it shows these perfect bodies saying theyve had children and now bounced back so quickly. I, myself remember being really surprised when Kate Middleton came out of the hospital holding Prince George. She had the baby bump, and I remember being surprised that your belly doesnt just go down after giving birth. I also thought how stupid I was to have ever thought it would. I guess pre children you just have unrealistic expectations. I also put pressure on myself to try and get my body back, but as I slowly transition into motherhood I am realising that its actually not that important, and I just need to be OK in my own skin rather than worrying about what everyone else thinks.

Porque el embarazo y el parto traen consigo cambios drásticos que transforman el cuerpo y lo marcan con estrías, tripa, exceso de piel, flacidez, celulitis, cicatrices... Aceptar estos cambios puede convertirse en una tarea difícil si, además, se carece de ejemplos que lo normalicen. Así estas fotos vendrían a subsanar esa falta y a poner en valor la heroicidad de lo que ese nuevo cuerpo significa: que ha creado vida.

At Mothercare, we believe all mums are beautiful and should feel proud and confident about their bodies #BodyProudMums Nardy, 20 weeks after giving birthBeing a Mum of six is a blessing and knowing how my body has changed in the last 7 years is really amazing in so many different ways. Hard work to grow a tiny human, and then going back to normal fulltime function deserves a celebration, and gratitude towards my body. So when I heard about the campaign I felt inspired to be a part of it, regardless I dont measure up to what society tells me should be the ideal. I feel people need to put less pressure on mums to go back to their previous bodies before the babies and worry about their overall health mentally, emotionally and physically, to live a fulfilling life in order to give love and care for the new life. Im happy with my body, and only have an umbilical hernia that needs to be repaired due to my twin pregnancy, but other than that maybe I need to exercise when I get more time, as I need more energy to look after my six children. I dont feel different after giving birth I feel the same and feel happier even though I gained lots of weight afterwards. Its rewarding to be able to produce fruits and look after them

Del mismo modo, las madres participantes también han querido contar y compartir sus historias personales con el mundo. Es el caso, por ejemplo, de Nardy que hace 20 semanas dio a luz a su sexto hijo. Ella ha señalado la necesidad de que la sociedad deje de presionar a las madres a volver a su cuerpos previos al embarazo.

At Mothercare, we believe all mums are beautiful and should feel proud and confident about their bodies #BodyProudMums Louise, 29 weeks after giving birthI wanted to do this partly for my own self-confidence, to help with acceptance of my scars and new life. Also, I wanted to bring some attention to post-natal disease and complications. Giving birth caused me to go into sudden liver failure, due to a rare pregnancy related disease. I had to have an emergency liver transplant and spent the first month of my daughters life in hospital in London away from her. My shape has changed since giving birth, my scar causes my stomach to be a little disfigured and I lost most of my muscles from being in the hospital bed so long. Sometimes my scar reminds me of the surgery and the difficult recovery I had in my daughters early months. However, its also a wonderful reminder of how generous other people can be, because without someones decision to donate organs I would not have survived to be here with my family now.

En vez de eso, como ella misma ha apuntado, deberíamos preocuparnos por la salud mental, emocional y física de las madres para ayudarlas a poder dar lo mejor de sí mismas en esta nueva etapa.

At Mothercare, we believe all mums are beautiful and should feel proud and confident about their bodies #BodyProudMums Harriet, 26 weeks after giving birthI loved the idea of celebrating postpartum bodies. I have always struggled internally with my weight and how I feel about myself. I put on 4 stone in pregnancy and have lost about 2 so far. How can I hate my body when it has given me my beautiful baby boy My body has done something amazing, and to me thats the most empowering thing. I feel like Im doing this for all the mums who wear baggy tops or cry when they look in the mirror. To say you are amazing I just say to people it took me 9 months to make him hes my priority. It will come off, it just takes time. Its the people who dont have children who judge the most. Other mums support each other and tell them they are awesome

Foto | Mothercare.

Compartir Diez madres muestran sin complejos su cuerpo postparto para ayudar a otras mujeres a aceptar los cambios del embarazo


no han tenido pudor a la hora de enseñar sus cuerpos postpartopocas semanas después de haber dado a luzempoderar a las nuevas mamás y ayudarlas a sentirse mejor con ellas mismasestrías, tripa, exceso de piel, flacidez, celulitis, cicatricesha creado vidala sociedad deje de presionar a las madres a volver a su cuerpos previos al embarazodeberíamos preocuparnos por la salud mental, emocional y física de las madres